ProfessionalMake Up&Make UpNaturaldifferentpartyProfessionalMake Up&Make UpNaturalorday-to-day. The mostimportant note isthe selection ofthe appropriate colorso that the impressionis fresh andnotso heavyon the face.
The steps thatmust bedone when themake-upairis:
1.Use a moisturizerbefore applyingfoundationfoundationso thatthe face is notdry andfresh look.NaturalMakeupFurthermoremateDab powderis soft andmatches the color ofyour skin.
2.Choose afoundationthatis very softforNatural &NaturalMakeupMakeupand a choice ofonelevel lighterthanyour skin tone. Apply evenly onthe face, neck, andears.
3.Beforeapplyingeyeshadow, it would be niceif you useeyemoisturizerthatdoes not dryeyesandeye shadowstick perfectlyand durable.Applymoisturizereye on theentireeyelidevenly. 4.Fornaturalimpression, choosecolors that arenot toobright butnot toodark. Colorslikebrown, brick red, orange, the colorsarefairlyrepresentativeof naturalimpressionand fits perfectlywith thedifferent typesof skincolors. When you've found acolorthat matches, Dabolder coloronthe lower eyelid. At the top ofDaba brighter color. Fortheslanted eyesor small, this technique is usedtomake eyeslook biggerandfresher. 5.Fornarrowor smalleyes, dab a littletoodarkcolor(ex. dark brownthatProfessionalImage, ProfessionalImage &Make UpMake Upincreasinglyvisible) onthe boundary linebetweenthe lower and uppereyelidsthateye linelook moreobvious. The eyes willseemlarger.
6.For the formation ofthe eyebrowshad to be donecarefully,because theeyebrowsfunctiondeterminesthe character's face. ForNaturalMake Up& NaturalMakeupforamodernandbrown-skinned, it is better nottochoose blackeyebrow pencilbecausethe color is actuallyloadyour facelook darker andlook old. We recommend usingbrown orcoppercolorto show theimpression of naturaland young.
7.Provideshadingfor ProfessionalImage, ProfessionalImage &Make UpMake Uponspecific partsthatmake the facemoreideal. For example,given theshadingon thejaw, left and rightcheek, nose andforehead. Usebrown colorasshading, becausebrownis the color mostneutraland leastintegratedwith a variety ofskin tones. 8.UseeyelineronMake UpProfessionalsmust also bevery carefuland full accuracy. Do notuseeyelinerthatlooksuneven. Choosebrownor blackeyelinerto reinforce theeye line. We recommend that youusebrowneyelinerunder the eyes andthe blackusedon the top ofthe eye. Also on thelower eyelids, dab redor brownbrickmakingeyes look brighterand seemnatural.
9.Ifyouwant to displaythe glamororMake UpProfessionalswould not hurtifyousprinkleglitteron the hair, the neck, andchest. Youcan addaccessories thatfitwith the concept ofmakeup youstretcher.
In the midst ofuncertain weather, sometimesrainy, sometimesscorching heat,the jacketis an itemthat mustbe setup, other thanumbrellas.Not only servesas theheatingwhen the air iscold andrainy,jacket,made fromthickor thincan also protectus from thehot sun, so as not todirectlyattack the skin.
In addition, thejacketcanbean addition tothe stylein dressing.A variety of models, rangingfromaccentzipperin the middle, asymmetricalbuttonedupbikerstyleallows us to remainfashionablein theweather conditionsarealways changing.
Althoughit's just asuperficialclothing,wemustcarefullychoosea jacket,sweaterorcardigan.Selectthe appropriatemodel andthe silhouette ofthe bodyshape,and make sureyou fit ina jacketorsweatercombinedwithall the modelsmatchthe clothes youhave.
Do not coveryourcurvybodywithlongstraight-cutjacketoroversizedmodels, buthighlightthe curve ofyour body! Choosebright colorslike green, cobaltblue, red, orfuchsia. You can also wearjacketsline motif: but choosethevertical, for a horizontal linewill make the bodylook wider. Choose a jacketwithaccentsatthe waist(can wear a belt) and 'hug'the body perfectly.
If your body isbiggerinthe hips, weara coator jacketcut A-line (widedown)with awidecollar. Avoidjacketsthat accentuatethe waistand thebeltis toobig.
TinySmallBody For owners ofsmallorminibody, avoid wearinga long,thickcoat,because your bodywill 'sink'in it. Fittedmilitary-stylejacket, or ajacketwithpocketsaccentthe most appropriateforTheTinyBody. Choosedark colorslike black,navy blue orplum,as it willgivethe effect ofa longerbody. To effecta fuller body, choose a jacket that has avertical lineon a piece ofmaterial, such asa jacket withcollarlength oraccentstitchingdown.
BoyishorStraight Layeringtechnique(piles), or a jacketmade fromthickto givethe illusion offuller bodyandgrooved. Choose athicksweaterwith a patternchomboidshape(diamond), fullfiguredoraccentuatethe chest.Youalsocanchoosejackets withruffledetailon thesleeves, waistor chest.
In addition topipepants(straightcut)andboot cut,there isanunderwear modelthat you shouldhavethebasicitems,thewide-cutpantsorwide-legpants.
Pantsmodel isversatile,can be wornfor formal events(office),or casualparty.One of theclassic stylethat can be obtainedwiththese pantsisto combine them withleotard(body suit)and ajacket orblazer.
For theparty, mix withsatinblouseaccentedinthe chest(ruffle,ribbon)andequipped witha largebeltdecorated withrocksora long necklace.You alsocan combine withbatikblouse,withmatchingcoloredpants, add abeltas a sweetener.
As for thestyle ofcasual,prettypairof wide-legpantsanda fittedt-shirt.You can alsocombinea camisoleandcardiganknittingforfeminine style.
Onething to note,do not pair withwide-legpantswithtopscutloose,especiallyif your body isboyishshapedorpetite(small).Wearhigh-heeledshoes,such aswedges,ankle boots,stilettosor espadrilles.Flatshoeswillmakeyour pants'wipethe floor'andseem lesselegant.
You areconfused to findclothingthat suitsyour body?? Wehavetips on choosing theperfectdressfor you. Indeed, theclotheswewearshould not be arbitrary, wehave tothink twicewhat the appropriatedressforusto wear,I'lllook fashionableandelegant. The followingtips canwe summarizefor you...
Chooseclothes thatcan accentuateyour bodyand maintainneatness. Avoid theskirtoveryour knees, becausecan make youlook shorter.Youcan choose aknee-length skirt, so youlook taller. What alsoneeds tobe avoidedis the dressin layersbecauseit will drownyour body. Avoidpantswithwidepipe model, becauseyouwill lookmore petite.
For those of youwho wasstraight, pay attention to howto add curvesinyour body. Tipsfor youis to choosetopsoroveralls with apiece at the waistor wear abelt/ribbon tiedat the waist. Wearrimplethatyour lowerbodylook morefilled.tops withrufflesmodelsalsosuggest todistractthe eyefromyourbody straight. Do notweartighttopsbecauseitcan makeyourbody shapeis.
Shirtswithdark colorswill streamlineyour body parts, subordinate, simple ornotmuch detailwillgiveyou theimpression of sexy, pencil skirtsandpencil skirtsare verysuitableforyouruse.Fortops withdetailslikewidecollarsandaccessories will befilled withpeoplelooking awayto the bottom ofyour body.
4. Body typeswithbigarms Modelsleeveless dressortype ofclothingwithkapuconorhats, clothingis notsuitable formajorarmsowners.Instead, choose adresswith¾sleevesorlong sleeves. Modeldresslike this canhelpyouagreatarmcover.
To helparmthe ideal bodyshapecan do this exerciseby holdingdumbbellsfor 15minutes a day. This canhelpimprove the shape ofyour armsto be moreideal. That way, youwill be more confidentwearingsleeveless dresses.